John Legend - Merry Christmas Baby / Give Love on Christmas Day (Audio)

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John Legend - Merry Christmas Baby / Give Love on Christmas Day (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 07, 2018. Published the day it was watched 923 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




John Legend


A Legendary Christmas

Lyrics Title

Merry Christmas Baby / Give Love on Christmas Day




Christian Holiday


Merry Christmas, baby
You sure did treat me nice
Merry Christmas pretty, baby
You sure did treat me nice
Gave me a diamond ring
For Christmas
Now I'm living in paradise
Merry Christmas, baby
You sure did treat me nice, woo
Merry Christmas, baby
You sure did treat me nice, woo
Gave me a diamond ring
For Christmas
I'm living in paradise
Well, I'm feeling mighty fine y'all
Got good music on my radio
Well, I'm feeling mighty fine
Got good music on my radio
I wanna kiss you, baby
Standing 'neath the mistletoe
Well, alright
Ain't that the truth now
Santa came down the chimney
About a half past three
He left these pretty presents
That you see before me
Merry Christmas, baby
You sure been good to me
I haven't had
A toddy this morning
But I'm lit up
Like a Christmas tree
Hey, Merry Christmas (Merry Christmas)
And a happy new year (Merry Christmas)
Merry Christmas (Merry Christmas)
And a happy New Year (Have a happy New Year)
It's so nice being with my baby
It feels so good being with you
Said, merry Christmas and a happy New Year
Now, now, now, now, merry Christmas (Merry Christmas oh)
Give love on Christmas day
Even the man who has everything
Would be so happy if you would bring
Give love on Christmas day
There's no greater gift than love, love, love
Merry Christmas baby
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