Gorillaz - Dirty Harry (Animatic)

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Gorillaz - Dirty Harry (Animatic) was added to the Free2Music database on November 23, 2018. Published the day it was watched 942 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Demon Days

Lyrics Title

Dirty Harry




Electronic Hip-Hop Rock Alternative


(I need a gun to keep myself among)
(The poor people are burning in the sun)
But they ain't got a chance, they ain't got a chance
I need a gun cause all I do is dance
Cause all I do is dance
I need a gun to keep myself among
The poor people are burning in the sun
But they ain't got a chance, they ain't got a chance
I need a gun cause all I do is dance
Cause all I do is dance

In my backpack, I got my act right
In case you act quite difficult
And your result weaken with anger and discontent
Some are seeking and in search of like Nimoy
I'm a peace-loving decoy, ready for retaliation
I change your whole location to a pine box six-under
Impulsive don't ask why or wonder
Orders given to me is:
Strike and I'm thunder with lightning-fast reflexes on constant alert
From the constant hurt that seems limitless with no drop in pressure
It seeming like everybody's out to take ya' 'til they see you break
You can't conceal the hate that consumes you
I'm the reason why you fill up your Isuzu
Chill with your old lady at the tilt, I got a 90 day extension
And I'm filled with guilt from things I done and seen
Your water's from a bottle, mine's from a canteen
At night I hear the shots
Ring so I'm a light sleeper
The cost of life, it seem to get cheaper
Out in the desert with my street sweeper
The war is over so said the speaker
With the flight suit on
Maybe to him I'm just a pawn
So he can advance
Remember when I used to dance
Dang, all I wanna do is dance

I need a gun
To keep myself from harm
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