Nightcore - The Edge (Lyrics)

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Nightcore - The Edge (Lyrics) was added to the Free2Music database on November 19, 2018. Published the day it was watched 639 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information





Lyrics Title

Around the Edge




Electronic Rock


I feel you on the edge, the edge of my life
Drivin' a perfect wedge straight into my mind

Come out from under
All these indecisions
Oh, make room for somebody else

Circlin' the edge
Way up high
Don't know if I'll ever have a useful alibi
Gone too far to stop
Yeah, I've tried
Flying, crashing, fuckin' for a perfect suicide
Circlin' the-

Circlin' the edge
Circlin' the edge

Drinkin' and smokin' yourself
Don't even wanna try
Make room for somebody else
Oh, I just wanna hide

Out from under
All these indecisions
Oh, make room for somebody else

Circlin' the edge
Way up high
Don't know if I'll ever have a useful alibi
Gone too far to stop
Yeah, I've tried
Flying, crashing, fuckin' for a perfect suicide
Circlin' the edge-

Circlin' the edge
Circlin' the edge
(Circlin' the edge)
(Circlin' the edge)
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