Tiësto & Zaxx - Affliction (feat. Olivera)

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Tiësto & Zaxx - Affliction (feat. Olivera) was added to the Free2Music database on March 11, 2019. Published the day it was watched 883 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Tiësto & Zaxx

Lyrics Title

Affliction (feat. Olivera)






I don't know if it’s real
Doesn't go with the melody
It's not the story that I’ve been dreaming about
It's the same no matter where I go
Should we be moving on?
Far away from the heaven we grew out

'Cause I've been burning and searching the feeling inside of me
You're not the one I'm gonna grow old with
So let the storm rage on
And once it's over, we're stronger and finally free to breathe
You’re not the one I’m gonna grow old with
Set your heart free

Did you know we were done?
Never found here the smoking gun
You deserve to be somebody's number one
Never change, never give up on you
When I said I love you
Don’t you dare to deny my words, it was true

But I've been burning and searching the feeling inside of me
You're not the one I'm gonna grow old with
So let the storm rage on
And once it’s over, we're stronger
And finally free to breathe
You're not the one I'm gonna grow old with
Set your heart free
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