Alison Wonderland - U Don't Know (feat. Wayne Coyne) (THUGLI Remix)

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Alison Wonderland - U Don't Know (feat. Wayne Coyne) (THUGLI Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on February 20, 2019. Published the day it was watched 617 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Alison Wonderland


Run (Deluxe Edition)

Lyrics Title

U Don't Know (feat. Wayne Coyne)







Don't lose; you better than yourself
Tryna tell me all these faking sounds
I see what it really is
Honest words will never fix
Give it to me; I can hold my own
I know what it's like to be alone
No need to keep me in the dark
Already been, I felt that spark

You don't know how it is
For someone else to own you
Someone else to throw your heart around

You need them anyway, I got it
Don't make your own delay, you got it
Look at me standing straight, I'm on it
(Baby, I don't know)
For me to find my way, I get it
You need them anyway, I got it
(Baby, I don't know)


Friends that never come will never go
Swimming through the deep and let it show
Red flag, don't wait; I know, your fate
All the highs but it's never enough
Where were you when I was doing tow
Leave me your phone, all that I know
What am I so? Know that I go

You don't know how it is
For someone else to own you
Someone else to throw your heart around

You don't know how it is
For someone else to own you
Someone else to throw your heart around

You need them anyway, I got it (You)
Don't make your own delay, you got it (Know how)
Look at me standing straight, I'm on it (You)
(Baby, I don't know)
For me to find my way, I get it
You need them anyway, I got it
(Baby, I don't know)

You don't know how it is
(Baby, I don't know)
You don't know
You don't know (Baby I don't know)

You don't know how it is
For someone else to own you
Someone else to throw your heart around

You don't know how it is
For someone else to own you
Someone else to throw your heart around
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