John Legend - What Christmas Means to Me ft. Stevie Wonder (Audio)

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Music Detail

John Legend - What Christmas Means to Me ft. Stevie Wonder (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 07, 2018. Published the day it was watched 781 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




John Legend

Lyrics Title

What Christmas Means to Me (feat. Stevie Wonder)




Christian Holiday


Ah yeah
Candles burning low, lots of mistletoe
Lots of snow and ice everywhere we go
Choirs singing carols right outside my door

All these things and more (All these things and more, my baby)
That's what Christmas means to me, my love
(That's what Christmas means to me, my love)
Ah yeah

And ya know what I mean
I see your smiling face like I've never seen before
Even though I love ya madly, it seems I love you more
And the little thoughts you give me touch my heart for sure

Oh, all these things and more
(All these things and more, my darling)
That's what Christmas means to me, my love
(That's what Christmas means to me, my love)
Ah yeah

I feel like running wild, I feel just like a little child
Bring you 'neath the mistletoe
I kiss you once, and then some more
Wish you a merry Christmas, baby
(Wish you a merry Christmas, baby)
And such happiness in the coming year, oh
(Happiness in the coming year)
Let's deck the halls with holly, singing "Silent Night"
Dress the trees with angel hair, and pretty, pretty lights
Go to sleep and wake up just before daylight

Oh, all these things and more, darling
(All these things and more, my darling)
That's what Christmas means to me, my love
(That's what Christmas means to me, my love)
Oh yeah, yeah
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