A-Town - Skrt Skrt (WSHH Exclusive)

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A-Town - Skrt Skrt (WSHH Exclusive) was added to the Free2Music database on February 18, 2019. Published the day it was watched 703 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information





Lyrics Title

Skrt Skrt




Hip-Hop Rap


I think it's time we made
Time to fuck around off this Patron
If you got time I'll wait
Just give it to me any way you want
Cuz you and me, don't need, anybody else
Just you on me
Cuz I don't need no help no

Cuz I like freaking
You like sex on the weekend
Me too me too
Cuz I like drinking
You looking at me winking
Me to me too
(ohh ohh ohh)
So give me the work
(ooh ohh ohh)
So give me the work
(ohh ohh ohh)
You gon make me
Skrt skrt
You gon make me
Stop stop
So give me the work
(ohh ohh ohh)
So give me the work
(ohh ohh ohh)
You gon make me
Skrt skrt
You gon make me
Stop stop

If I take my time
Tell me will you wait, wait on yea
Cuz every sip I take
Feels like it's about to get me gone
Cuz you and me don't need anybody else
Just you on me
Cuz I don't need no help no

Cuz I like freaking
You like sex on the weekend
Me too me too
Cuz I like drinking
You looking at me winking
Me to me too
(ohh ohh ohh)
So give me the work
(ooh ohh ohh)
So give me the work
(ohh ohh ohh)
You gon make me
Skrt skrt
You gon make me
Stop stop
So give me the work
(ohh ohh ohh)
So give me the work
(ohh ohh ohh)
You gon make me
Skrt skrt
You gon make me
Stop stop

If you down I'm down
You gon know I'm down
To love you baby
If you down I'm down
You gon know I'm down
To love you baby
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