Music Detail

Gorillaz - Sweepstakes was added to the Free2Music database on February 19, 2019. Published the day it was watched 806 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Plastic Beach

Lyrics Title





Electronic Pop Hip-Hop Latin Reggae Rock


Pay day, you're a winner

Pay day, you're a winner
Keep cool, form a line
Scared money, broke money
Bow money, mo' money
So sunny, cloud breaker
Sound like a waverunner
Wild mother, funky drummer
You can get it how you wanna
There's math and there's dealers
And players and me
They say that they winners
Ok well, let's see
You player, you play
The rules of the trade
The math of the date
The times and the age
But you want how you like
Aim high, man, why not?
Sun, moon, starry y'alls
Each and all of y'alls

Mathematics and dealers
And players and me
They say that they winners
Ok well, let's see

Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner

Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner

Pay day, you're a winner
Keep cool, form a line
Scared money, broke money
Bow money, mo' money
So sunny, cloud breaker
Sound maker, wave runner
Wild, wonder, funky drummer
You can get it how you wanna
"Who's the winner?" Said the dealer
Every player, "Yeah me"
So you say, "We will see"
Player play, hey, ok
Whatcha want? How you like?
Aim high, why not?
Sun, moon and starry y'alls
Each and every all of y'alls

Who's the winner? Yeah, me
So you say, "We will see"
Cloud breaker, danger beats
Fresh plates
Ha ok, let's eat

Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner

Pay day, you're a winner
Keep cool, form a line
Scared money, broke money
Bow money, mo' money

So sunny, cloud breaker
Sound maker, wave runner
Wild, wonder, funky someone
You can get at it how you wanna

There's math and there's dealers
And players and killers and me
They say that they winners
Ok well, let's see

You player, you play
The rules of the trade
The math of the date
The times and the age

But you want how you like
Aim high man why not?
Sun, moon and starry y'alls
Each and every all of y'alls

There's math and there's dealers
And players and me
They say that they winners
Ok well, let's see

Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner

Pay day, you're a winner
Keep cool, form a line
Scared money, broke money
Bow money, mo' money

So sunny, cloud breaker
Sound maker, wave runner
Wild, wonder, funky drummer
You can get it like you wanna
"Who's the winner?" Said the dealer
Every player, "Yeah me"
So you say, "We will see"
Player play, hey ok
Whatcha want? How you like?
Aim high, why not?
Sun, moon and starry y'alls
Each and every all of y'alls

Who's the winner? Yeah, me
So you say, "We will see"
Cloud breaker, danger beats
Fresh plates, let's eat

Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner
Sweepstakes, you're a winner

Keep cool, form a line
Scared money, broke money
Bow money, mo' money
So sunny, cloud breaker
Sound like a waverunner
Wild mother, funky drummer
You can get it how you wanna

There's math and there's dealers
And players and me
They say that they winners
Ok well, let's see

You player, you play
The rules of the trade
The math of the date
The times and the age

But you want how you like
Aim high, man, why not?
Sun, moon, starry y'alls
Each and all of y'alls

There's math and there's dealers
And players and me
Read more
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