Nitti Gritti - Too Much

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Nitti Gritti - Too Much was added to the Free2Music database on March 05, 2019. Published the day it was watched 574 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Nitti Gritti

Lyrics Title

Too Much






You've been hatin' everything I do
Second place ain't ever comin' through
You just sit back watch what I'm a do

You countin' money but you talk too much
Gettin' rowdy but you drank too much
Yeah this my team but we don't talk too much
Nah we don't talk too much
Talk too much

You've been hatin' everything I do
Second place ain't never comin' through
You just sit back watch what I'm a do
You countin' money but you talk too much
Gettin' rowdy but you drank too much
Yeah this my team but we don't talk too much

Nah we don't talk too much
Nah we don't talk too much

Nah we don't talk too much

I don't see you learning nothin' new
Come at me you better think this through cuz I know you've been hatin' everything I do
Second place ain't never comin' through
You just sit back watch what I'm a do
You countin' money but you talk too much
Gettin' rowdy but you drank too much
Yeah this my team but we don't talk too much
Nah we don't talk too much
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