Tijuana Panthers - Cherry Street

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Tijuana Panthers - Cherry Street was added to the Free2Music database on November 20, 2018. Published the day it was watched 705 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Tijuana Panthers


Wayne Interest

Lyrics Title

Cherry Street






At the Cherry street donut shop
On my way to the parking lot
And the cops are right outside
Want to take you for a ride
I saw you that night
You did look alright
Awkward and beautiful
I did not see a fault

Cherry street donut shop
On the sidewalk, styrofoam cups
Something's wrong in the parking lot
Helicopters over Cherry street shop
And wait for you, my love
Helicopters flying round'
Spotlights shining down
Say that you all forget

Cherry street donut shop
On the sidewalk, styrofoam cups
Something's wrong in the parking lot
Helicopters over Cherry street shop
I saw you that night
You did look alright
Awkward and beautiful
I did not see a fault
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