Chris Brown - This Ain't (Audio)

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Chris Brown - This Ain't (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on March 10, 2019. Published the day it was watched 782 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Chris Brown


Heartbreak on a Full Moon

Lyrics Title

This Ain't




R&B Soul


Girl, it just don't feel the same
Wish I could go back in time
Seems like every time I say your name,

I just wanna press rewind
You said you just want me bad
But I don't think that you ready, yeah
And I know that you want me to stay

You said if I love you I would, I would, I would, I would
If we look at how we live, it's no good
Babe, it's no good, no good, no good, no good
And you know, you know I'm right

'Cause we're just fucking, baby
This ain't loving, baby
We're just fucking, baby
But this ain't loving, baby
No, you want it
I ain't your man, girl, I'm only your friend

Wish that I could read your mind
'Cause I don't know if you telling the truth
You can tell me every lie, tell me how do I believe you?
'Cause once we get to kissing
You gon' have me finished, and I'll feel something's missing
I say I'm cool fucking 'round with you

You said if I loved you I would, I would come back to you
If we look at how we live, it's no good
Babe, it's no good, no good, no good, no good
Girl, you know, you know I'm right

'Cause we're just fucking, baby
This ain't loving, baby
We're just fucking, baby
But this ain't loving, baby
No, you want it
I ain't your man, girl, I'm only your friend
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