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BHAD BHABIE - Trust Me (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) (Lyric Video) was added to the Free2Music database on March 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 680 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Bhad Bhabie



Lyrics Title

Trust Me (feat. Ty Dolla $ign)




Hip-Hop Rap


Bobby Kritical

I know you gon' be the one that's gon' hold me down

When it's time to put in work you know I'm always 'round
Tote that Glock, hold that work, baby, do you trust me?
Got the streets in a lock, I'ma make you love me
Baby, do you trust me? Do you trust me?
Baby, do you trust me? Baby, do you trust me?
Got the streets in a lock, I'ma make you love me

I'ma make you love me, baby, do you trust me?
Come in close and hug me, tell that hoe don't test me
I don't play 'bout mines, watch this shit get messy
Tote that Glock, hide it in my spot
Bitch, stop playing, I'ma leave you hot
Rubber bands wrapped around these knots
Bitch, stop playing, watch me kill the parking lot

I know you gon' be the one that's gon' hold me down
When it's time to put in work you know I'm always 'round
Tote that Glock, hold that work, baby, do you trust me?
Got the streets in a lock, I'ma make you love me
Baby, do you trust me?
Do you trust me?
Baby, do you trust me?
Baby, do you trust me?
Got the streets in a lock,
I'ma make you love me

Tote that Glock, lil' homie, get yo guap
You my son, lil' nigga, I'm yo' pops
I'm on top, lil' bitch, gimme props
Talkin' charts, lil' baby, play yo' part, lil' baby
I'm the boy, yeah, baby, I'm the one
I'ma make you trust me, always keep it hundun
Bust down Rollie face, I been getting money face
Diamonds do the Diddy dance
These the new Givenchy pants
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, VS while my diamonds hit
New Chanel, you deserve all of it
I put you in charge
Baby, you a star, I buy you the mall
I put you on a jet, you said I do the most
I told you no more coach, yeah
Said you don't care 'bout things
You said you down for me
I told 'em you my queen

I know you gon' be the one that's gon' hold me down
When it's time to put in work you know I'm always 'round
Tote that Glock, hold that work, baby, do you trust me?
Got the streets in a lock, I'ma make you love me
Baby, do you trust me?
Do you trust me?
Baby, do you trust me?
Baby, do you trust me?
Got the streets in a lock
I'ma make you love me

Baby, do you trust me?
Do you trust me?
Baby, do you trust me?
Baby, do you trust me?
Got the streets in a lock
I'ma make you love me
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