Luke Combs - Must've Never Met You

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Luke Combs - Must've Never Met You was added to the Free2Music database on February 28, 2019. Published the day it was watched 689 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Luke Combs


This One’s for You Too (Deluxe Edition)

Lyrics Title

Must've Never Met You






Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, they say it ain't that hard
But just puttin' one foot in front
of the other ain't gettin' me too far

This movin' on ain't comin' along the way they said it would

I guess whoever said the grass is
greener must've never seen the other side
What don't kill you makes you stronger sure sounds like a lie
And whoever said that time heals
everything and everything will be alright?
Whoever said it ain't the end of the world, you can find somebody new
Must've never met you, must've never met you

Must've never heard you say you'd
never leave me, then watch you walk away
Must've never fell as hard as I did 'cause [?] ain't what it said
Yeah baby what meant o be maybe you're better off alone

I guess whoever said the grass is
greener must've never seen the other side
What don't kill you makes you stronger sure sounds like a lie
And whoever said that time heals
everything and everything will be alright?
Whoever said it ain't the end of the world, you can find somebody new
Must've never met you, must've never met you

I guess whoever said the grass is
greener must've never seen the other side
What don't kill you makes you stronger still sounds like a lie
And whoever said that time heals
everything and everything will be alright?
Whoever said it ain't the end of the
world, you know she ain't the only girl
You win, you lose, you find somebody new
Must've never met you, must've never met you
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