Justin Timberlake - LoveStoned/I Think She Knows Interlude

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Justin Timberlake - LoveStoned/I Think She Knows Interlude was added to the Free2Music database on December 03, 2018. Published the day it was watched 746 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Justin Timberlake

Lyrics Title





Electronic Pop Folk Funk/Soul Hip-Hop Latin Reggae Rock Stage Screen Jazz World Country


She's freaky and she knows it
She's freaky and I like it

She grabs the yellow bottle, she likes the way it hits her lips
She gets to the bottom, it sends her on a trip so right
She might be goin' home with me tonight
And, she looks like a model, except she's got a little more ass
Don't even bother, unless you've got that thing she likes
Ooh, I hope she's goin' home with me tonight

Those flashing lights come from everywhere
The way they hit her, I just stop and stare
She's got me love stoned, man, I swear
She's bad and she knows, I think that she knows, uh

She's freaky and she knows it
She's freaky, but I like it

She shuts the room down the way she walks and causes a fuss
The baddest in town, she's flawless like some uncut ice
Well, I hope she's goin' home with me tonight, oh
And all she wants is to dance
That's why you'll find her on the floor
But you don't have a chance
Unless you move the way that she likes
That's why she's goin' home with me tonight, oh

Those flashing lights come from everywhere
The way they hit her, I just stop and stare
She's got me love stoned, man, I swear
She's bad and she knows, I think that she knows, uh
Those flashing lights seem to cause a glare
The way they hit her, I just stop and stare
She's got me love stoned from everywhere
She's bad and she knows, I think that she knows

Now dance
Get it, girl
You're freaky, but I like it
Hot damn!
Let me put my funk on this song one time


Those flashing lights come from everywhere
The way they hit her, I had to stop and stare
She's got me love stoned, man, I swear
She's bad and she knows, I think that she knows, uh
Those flashing lights seem to cause a glare
The way they hit her, I just stop and stare
She's got me love stoned from everywhere
She's bad and she knows, I think that she knows
Those flashing lights come from everywhere
The way they hit her, I just stop and stare
She's got me love stoned, man, I swear
She's bad and she knows, I think that she knows, uh

Those flashing lights come from everywhere
The way they hit her, I had to stop and stare
She's got me love stoned
I think I'm love stoned
She's got me love stoned
I think that she knows, think that she knows, oh, oh
I think that she knows, think that she knows, oh, oh
I think that she knows, think that she knows, oh, oh

Those flashing lights come from everywhere
The way they hit her, I just stop and stare
I'm love stoned from everywhere and she knows
I think that she knows
Think that she knows, oh, oh
And now I walk around without a care
She's got me hooked, it just ain't fair, but I
I'm love stoned and I could swear that she knows
I think that she knows, oh, oh
She knows, she knows, oh, oh
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