Tiësto, Dzeko - ft. Preme & Post Malone – Jackie Chan (Bolier Remix)

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Tiësto, Dzeko - ft. Preme & Post Malone – Jackie Chan (Bolier Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on October 24, 2018. Published the day it was watched 876 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Jackie Chan




Electronic Pop Blues Folk World Country Funk/Soul Hip-Hop Latin Reggae Rock Stage Screen


She say she's too young, don't want no man
So she gon' call her friends, now that's a plan
I just ordered sushi from Japan
Now your bitch wanna kick it, Jackie Chan

Drop top, how we rollin' down on Collins South Beach (yeah)
Look like Kelly Rowland, this might be my destiny (yeah)
She want me to eat it, I guess dinner's on me (I got you, babe)
Know I got the sauce like a fuckin' recipe (ohh)
She just wanna do it for the 'Gram (you know, you know)
She just want this money in my hand (I know, you know)
I'ma give it to her when she dance, dance, dance (ayy)
She gon' catch an Uber out to Calabasas

She say she's too young, don't want no man
So she gon' call her friends, now that's a plan
I just ordered sushi from Japan
Now your bitch wanna kick it, Jackie Chan
She say she's too young, don't want no man
So she gon' call her friends, now that's a plan
I just ordered sushi from Japan
Now your bitch wanna kick it, Jackie Chan
Now your bitch wanna kick it, Jackie Chan

I think you got the wrong impression 'bout me, baby ('bout me, baby)
Just 'cause they heard what hood I’m from they think I'm crazy (they think I'm crazy)
Okay, well maybe just a little crazy (just a little)
'Cause I admit I'm crazy 'bout that lady, yeah (oh)
Finger to the world, it's fuck you, pay me (I been slavin')
Run the pussy 'cause I'm runnin' out of patience
No more waitin' no, no (ayy)
Bouncin' like a yo-yo (ayy)
Livin' life on fast forward but we fuck in slow mo', yeah

She say she's too young, don't want no man
So she gon' call her friends, now that's a plan
I just ordered sushi from Japan
Now your bitch wanna kick it, Jackie Chan
She say she's too young, don't want no man
So she gon' call her friends, now that's a plan
I just ordered sushi from Japan
Now your bitch wanna kick it, Jackie Chan
Now your bitch wanna kick it, Jackie Chan

I can't wait for the show, oh, oh
Got that good, yeah, I know, oh, oh
You should not be alone, oh, oh
All this drink got me throwed, oh, oh
Club got me right
And I feel so alive (ayy)
She don't want a thing
She don't wanna be no wife (ayy)
She just wanna stay all night
She just wanna sniff the white (ayy)
Can't tell her nothing, no
Can't tell her nothing, no

She say she's too young, don't want no man
So she gon' call her friends, now that's a plan
I just ordered sushi from Japan
Now your bitch wanna kick it, Jackie Chan
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