Tiësto - Presents Alone In The Dark - Edward Carnby

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Tiësto - Presents Alone In The Dark - Edward Carnby was added to the Free2Music database on November 19, 2018. Published the day it was watched 879 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Edward Carnby




Electronic Dance


Shto li mesetchinko greesh
Ta mi makata ogriavash
Dolu senki se tcherneyat
I prekarshvat mi krilata
Shto li mesetchinko greesh
Ta mi makata ogriavash
Dolu senki se tcherneyat
I prekarshvat mi krilata

Why are you glowing little moon?
To enlighten my pain!
Down here the Dark shadows
Have cut my wings
Will The Dawm fulfill me
With vital strenght and belief?
To elevate, to be elevated
And with the rising sun, fade away!
And when the day will burst
Flowing as pure as the water source
Will it dispel the darkness
Of my heart?
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