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Tiësto feat. Priscilla Ahn - I Am Strong (Jonas Stenberg Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on December 29, 2018. Published the day it was watched 777 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information





Lyrics Title

I Am Strong (Jonas Stenberg Remix) [feat. Priscilla Ahn]






In the moonlight in the daylight
Struggle to get on
And you know me
Understand me
You will make me strong
You will make me strong
You will make me strong
Look at me, here I am
Reaching for your arms again
I saw the hurt and all the pain
And get back on my feet again
Hear you sighing til' your crying
I am not alone
'Cause you see me, want to be me melancholy
Melancholy so
Look at me, here I am
Reaching for your arms again
I saw the hurt and all the pain
And get back on my feet again
Dez, Nove, Oito, Sete, Seis, Cinco, Quatro, Três, Dois, Um
There is no fear, there is peace here
I have found a home
Look at me, here I am (I am strong)
Reaching for your arms again
Saw the hurt and all the pain (I am strong now)
And get back on my feet again
I am strong now (I am strong now)
I am strong now
Look at me, here I am
Reaching for your arms again
I saw the hurt and all the pain
And get back on my feet again
Look at me, here I am (I am strong)
Reaching for your arms again
Saw the hurt and all the pain (I am strong now)
And get back on my feet again
I am strong now (I am strong now)
I am strong now
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