INNA - No Help

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Music Detail

INNA - No Help was added to the Free2Music database on November 06, 2018. Published the day it was watched 816 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information





Lyrics Title

No Help






No no, I don't make a difference
Say what you want about me, así, así
I don't need no permission
I run the night from Belize to Italy

I got a Coca-Cola but I don't want no chaser
Drinks on me, you know how that works
Everybody wanna see what I'm 'bout to do first
Watch me and do not disturb

Ooh, I get by myself
Can't describe how good I feel
Ooh, I do me so well
You know I don't need no help
When I get by myself
Can't describe how good I feel
Yeah, I do me so well
You know I don't need no help

While you're all on my body
Sé que quieres de mí, de mí, de mí
Baby, Imma be honest
Estoy pensando en tí, en tí, en tí

I got a Coca-Cola but I don't want no chaser
Drinks on me, you know how that works
Everybody wanna see what I'm 'bout to do first
Watch me and do not disturb

Ooh, I get by myself
Can't describe how good I feel
Ooh, I do me so well
You know I don't need no help
When I get by myself
Can't describe how good I feel
Yeah, I do me so well
You know I don't need no help

Eyes on my body, you want it, you want it
But this is the night that I'm gonna be on my own
Hands off my body, my body, don't hurry up
'Cause this is the night that I'm gonna be on my own

Ooh, I get by myself
Can't describe how good I feel
Ooh, I do me so well
You know I don't need no help
When I get by myself
Can't describe how good I feel
Yeah, I do me so well
You know I don't need no help
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