Music Detail

Steve Aoki - Noble Gas (feat. Bill Nye) was added to the Free2Music database on December 06, 2018. Published the day it was watched 809 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Steve Aoki


Neon Future III

Lyrics Title

Noble Gas (feat. Bill Nye)




Electronic Dance


Some people want to go live on Mars
You don't wanna live on Mars
You wanna explore Mars
If we were to discover evidence of life on Mars
It would change the course of human history
It would be like Copernicus discovering
That the Earth goes around the sun
It would be like Galileo showing that
The moon is not a perfect circle
Moon’s full of craters
So along with the many other scientific discoveries
That humans have made
We found out that atoms hook together to make molecules
Some atoms don't hook together
They don't, they don’t interact with other atoms
And these are what we call the noble elements, or the noble gases
You know what the future is? Future is neon
Atomic number ten, it's a neon future

Atomic number ten, it's a neon future
It's a neon future
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