Music Detail

Steve Aoki - Do Not Disturb (feat. Bella Thorne) was added to the Free2Music database on December 06, 2018. Published the day it was watched 761 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Steve Aoki


Neon Future III

Lyrics Title

Do Not Disturb (feat. Bella Thorne)




Electronic Dance


You know I want it
Thing got me up on it (On it)
Boy, look in my, look in my eyes
I'm coming, I’m coming
Down to the lobby
Got the key to my body
I'm with it, I'm with it tonight
I’m coming, I'm coming (Yeah)

Wearing nothing but you
High on the seventeenth floor
Gimme some, gimme some more
I knew just what to do (Oh yeah)
Dropping my clothes on the floor
Put that "Do Not Disturb" on the door

Do not, do not disturb
Do not, do not disturb
(Come on, come on)
Do not, do not disturb
Do not, do not disturb
(Come on, come on)

Pull me in closer
Do it over and over (Oh, oh)
I'm working that overtime
I love it, I love it (Love it, I love it)
I'm going in deeper
Marvin Gaye on the speaker (Yeah, word)
I'm getting it, getting it on
I love it, I love it (Oh)

Wearing nothing but you
High on the seventeenth floor
Gimme some, gimme some more
I knew just what to do (Let's go)
Dropping my clothes on the floor
Put that "Do Not Disturb" on the door

Do not, do not disturb
Do not, do not disturb
(Come on, come on)
Do not, do not disturb
Do not, do not disturb
(Come on, come on)

Do not, do not disturb
Do not, do not disturb
(Come on, come on)
Do not, do not disturb
Do not, do not disturb
(Come on, come on)
Do not, do not disturb
Do not, do not disturb
(Come on, come on)
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