Linkin Park - Talking To Myself (Fan Footage)

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Linkin Park - Talking To Myself (Fan Footage) was added to the Free2Music database on October 26, 2018. Published the day it was watched 955 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Linkin Park

Lyrics Title

Talking to Myself (One More Light Live)






Weep not for roads untraveled
Weep not for paths left lone
'Cause beyond every bend is a long blinding end
It's the worst kind of pain I've known
Weep not for roads untraveled
Weep not for sights unseen
May your love never end, and if you need a friend
There's a seat here, alongside me

Tell me what I gotta do
There's no getting through to you
The lights are on but nobody's home (nobody's home)
You say I can't understand
But you're not giving me a chance
When you leave me, where do you go? (Where do you go?)

All the walls that you keep building
All this time that I spent chasing
All the ways that I keep losing you

And the truth is, you turn into someone else
You keep running like the sky is falling
I can whisper, I can yell
But I know, yeah I know, yeah I know
I'm just talking to myself, ooh
Talking to myself, ooh
Talking to myself, ooh
But I know, yeah I know, yeah I know
I'm just talking to myself

I admit I made mistakes
But yours might cost you everything
Can't you hear me calling you home?

Oh, all the walls that you keep building
All this time that I spent chasing
All the ways that I keep losing you

And the truth is, you turned into someone else
You keep running like the sky is falling
I can whisper, I can yell
But I know, I know, I know
I'm just talking to myself, ooh
Talking to myself, ooh
Talking to myself, ooh
Yeah I know, yeah I know, I know
I'm just talking to myself

All the walls that you keep building
All this time that I spent chasing
All the ways that I keep losing you

And the truth is, you turned into someone else
You keep running like the sky is falling
I can whisper, I can yell
But I know, I know, I know
I'm just talking to myself, ooh
Talking to myself, ooh
Talking to myself, ooh
But I know, I know, I know
Talking to myself
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