Imagine Dragons - Machine (Audio)

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Imagine Dragons - Machine (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 21, 2018. Published the day it was watched 824 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Imagine Dragons


Origins (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title





Hip-Hop Alternative


All my life been sittin' at the table
Watchin' them kids, they're living in a fable
Looks, luck, money and never left a'wishin'
But now it's 'bout time to raise up and petition
All my life been sittin' at the table
Watching them kids, they're living in a fable
Looks, luck, money and never left a'wishin'
Now it's 'bout time to stand up and petition

'Cause I've been wondering
When you gonna see I'm not for sale
I've been questioning
When you gonna see I'm not a part of your machine
Not a part of your machine

I'm not scared of what you're gonna tell me
No, I'm not scared of the beast in the belly
Fill my cup with endless ambition
And paint this town with my very own vision
I'm not scared of what you're gonna tell me
And I'm not scared of the beast in the belly
Fill my cup with endless ambition
And paint this town with my very own vision

'Cause I've been wondering
When you gonna see I'm not for sale
I've been questioning
When you gonna see I'm not a part of your machine
Not a part of your machine
I am the machine

I am the machine

'Cause I've been wondering
When you gonna see I'm not for sale
I've been questioning
When you gonna see I'm not a part of your machine
Not a part of your machine
'Cause I've been wondering
When you gonna see I'm not for sale
I've been questioning
When you gonna see I'm not a part of your machine
Not a part of your machine
I am the machine
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