Shy Glizzy - Real Nigga (prod by Madeintyo x K Swisha) (Audio)

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Shy Glizzy - Real Nigga (prod by Madeintyo x K Swisha) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on April 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 3,122 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Shy Glizzy


Quiet Storm

Lyrics Title

Quiet Storm (feat. Bigga Rankin)




Hip-Hop Rap


[Hook: Shy Glizzy]
They don't chill the place where all the real niggas go
Well I'm still fucking hoes and rocking all this damn gold
One day a pussy nigga might wake up and feel bold
That's why you got to show them how a real nigga go
That's why you gotta stunt just like a real nigga though
And all she want to do is a fuck a real nigga though
And they gonna show you love just a real nigga though
That's why you got to show them how a real nigga go

[Verse 1: Shy Glizzy]
1992 a gangsta met a bad bitch
And what they fuck they do?
They made a fucking savage
Ain't know that I would make it
But I wasn't average
Even if I had to take it
I was gonna be mad rich
I got some business and niggas started tripping
Cut off some friendships
And I ran up my digits
Stop talking bullshit
You know I kick my pimping
Yeah I got a twin bitch
You ever fuck some twins bitch?
2016 we the fucking dream team
AR-15's it's the fucking beam team
I'm from a small city but I had some big dreams
Stayed down, stacked that paper
Now I'm doing big things

[Hook: Shy Glizzy]

[Verse 2: Shy Glizzy]
Catch me in the city nigga
Rain, sleet, or snow
Still ain't met a nigga say he got it for the low
I sent your hoe a DM now she on the top floor
Ain't too many niggas round
Thats why a copped a two door
They trying to jock my swagger so I'm switching up the flow
I should've been your stylist
Who be picking out your clothes
She came back from the bathroom
She was twitching at her nose
Told her time to get the the dough
She say she think that's very dope
I touch down in your city and I'm fucking up them bands
You fucking with that bitch and she be fucking with your mans
Don't really drink no more but Imma pour a four for Yams
Pour a four for Yams
Im going pour up four for Yams

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