Music Detail

John Legend - Used to Love U was added to the Free2Music database on November 26, 2018. Published the day it was watched 925 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




John Legend


Get Lifted (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title

Used to Love U




Pop R&B Hip-Hop Soul


Holla, holla, hollaaaaa
Holla, holla, hollaaaaa

Maybe It's me, maybe I bore you
No, no it's my fault cause I can't afford you
Maybe Baby, Puffy, or Jay Z
Would all be better for you
Cause all I could do was love you

Baby when I used to love you
There's nuttin that I wouldn't do
I went through the fire for you
Anything you asked me to
But I'm tired of living this lie
It's getting harder to justify
I realize that I just don't love you
Not like I used to
Holla, holla, hollaaaaa (yeaaahh)
Holla, holla, hollaaaaa (yeah, yeah, uh, uh)

Maybe I should rob somebody
So we could live like
Whitney and Bobby
It's probably my fault
My bad, My loss
You are above cost
All I could do was love you

Baby when I used to love you
There's nuttin that I wouldn't do
I went through the fire for you
Anything you asked me to
But I'm tired of living this lie
It's getting harder to justify
I realize that I just don't love you
Not like I used to
Holla, holla, hollaaaaa (yeaaahh)
Holla, holla, hollaaaaa (yeah, yeah, uh, uh)

Oh! I used to (Do you remember when I used to)
Love you (used to... Love you)
Oh! But I don't - not you (baby no not any more... I don't love you)
Love you (ooooh, used to ... love you)
Oh! I used to love you
(Ohhh used to love you)
You're gonna miss me now... ohhh

Baby when I used to love you
There's nuttin that I wouldn't do
I went through the fire for you
But I am not gonna play the fool
No i can't live this life
And i can't justify
And i can't make up my life
I don't love you
Not like i used to do
Holla, holla, hollaaaaa (yeaaahh)
Not like I used to
Holla, holla, hollaaaaa (yeah, yeah, uh, uh)
Not like I used to
Oh! I used to (Do you remember when I used to)
Love you
(used to... Love you)
Oh! But I don't - not you
(baby no not any more... I don't love you)
Oh! I used to love you
Love you (ooooh, used to ... love you)
Oh! But I don't - not you
(baby no not any more... I don't love you)
Oh! I used to love you
You're gonna miss me now...cause I (Ohhh used to love you)
Oh! But I don't - not you
(baby no not any more... I don't love you)
You're gonna miss me now...cause I
Oh! But I don't - not you
(baby no not any more... I don't love you)
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