Britney Spears - From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart

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Britney Spears - From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart was added to the Free2Music database on November 03, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,913 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Britney Spears


...Baby One More Time

Lyrics Title

From the Bottom of My Broken Heart






"Never look back," we said
How was I to know I'd miss you so?
Loneliness up ahead, emptiness behind
Where do I go?
And you didn't hear
All my joy through my tears
All my hopes through my fears
Did you know still I miss you somehow?

From the bottom of my broken heart
There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know
You were my first love, you were my true love
From the first kisses to the very last rose
From the bottom of my broken heart
Even though time may find me somebody new
You were my real love
I never knew love 'til there was you
From the bottom of my broken heart

"Baby," I said, "Please stay
Give our love a chance for one more day"
We could have worked things out
Taking time is what love's all about
But you put a dart
Through my dreams through my heart
And I'm back where I started again
Never thought it would end

From the bottom of my broken heart (my broken heart)
There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know
You were my first love, you were my true love
From the first kisses to the very last rose
From the bottom of my broken heart
Even though time may find me somebody new
You were my real love
I never knew love 'til there was you
From the bottom of my broken heart

You promised yourself
But to somebody else
And you made it so perfectly clear
Still I wish you were here

From the bottom of my broken heart
There's just a thing or two I'd like you to know
You were my first love, you were my true love
From the first kisses to the very last rose
From the bottom of my broken heart
Even though time may find me somebody new
(You were my real love) You were my real love
I never knew love 'til there was you
From the bottom of my broken heart

"Never look back," we said
How was I to know I'd miss you so?
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