Britney Spears - Break The Ice

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Britney Spears - Break The Ice was added to the Free2Music database on December 10, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,032 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Britney Spears



Lyrics Title

Break the Ice






It's been a while
I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting
But I'm here now

I know it's been a while but I'm glad you came
And I've been thinking 'bout how you said my name
You got my body spinning like a hurricane
And it feels like you got me going insane
And I can't get enough, so let me get it up

Ooh, looks like we're alone now
You ain't gotta be scared, we're grown now
I'ma hit defrost on ya, let's get it blazing
We can turn the heat up if you wanna
Turn the lights down low if you wanna
Just wanna move ya, but you're froze up
That's what I'm saying

Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Let you warm up to me
Baby, I can make you feel (hot, hot, hot, hot)
Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Let you warm up to me
Baby, I can make you feel (hot, hot, hot, hot)

So are you warming up yet?

You got me hypnotized, I never felt this way
You got my heart beating like an 808
Can you rise to the occasion?
I'm patiently waiting 'cause it's getting late
And I can't get enough, so let me get it up

Ooh, looks like we're alone now
You ain't gotta be scared, we're grown now
I'ma hit defrost on ya, let's get it blazing
We can turn the heat up if you wanna
Turn the lights down low if you wanna
Just wanna move ya, but you're froze up
That's what I'm saying

Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Let you warm up to me
Baby, I can make you feel (hot, hot, hot, hot)
Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Let you warm up to me
Baby, I can make you feel (hot, hot, hot, hot)

I like this part, hoo
It feels kinda good

Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Let you warm up to me
Oh, baby, I can make you feel (hot, hot, hot, hot)
Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Let you warm up to me, yeah
Baby, I can make you feel (hot, hot, hot, hot)
Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Let you warm up to me
Baby, I can make you feel (hot, hot, hot, hot)
Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Let you warm up to me
Baby, I can make you feel
Hot, hot, hot, hot
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