Lil Yachty - Kiss The Money (Audio) ft. Lovele$$

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Lil Yachty - Kiss The Money (Audio) ft. Lovele$$ was added to the Free2Music database on December 20, 2018. Published the day it was watched 891 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Yachty

Lyrics Title

Kiss The Money






Kiss the money like it mean something
Kiss the money like it mean something
Kiss the money like it mean something
I got that money my nigga my nigga you know I got money

Kiss the money like it mean something
For motivation
Show the niggas they ain't seen none
For motivation
Plotting on another cash route
Work the only thing I ask about
Re-up then I spaz out
For motivation
Kiss the money like it mean something
For motivation
Show the niggas they ain't seen none
For motivation
Plotting on another cash route
Work the only thing I ask about
Re-up then I spaz out
For motivation

Man them niggas used to sleep on me
Now it's money and the matches
East side about to make a movie
Any bitches want to be an actress
12 hours in that holding cell
Central proof to the county jail
Baby got that money out that paper bag
Sign the name on the line and pay the bill
Hit me up
Gave me a kiss
Drove me to the crib and made love to me
Told me can a nigga fuck with me?
For some reason she stuck with me
Believe in me like I believe in me
Money good to my AMG
Stay out the way of the police
30 pots and pans and no grease

Last year I ain't had shit
Man I hit the target and I grab shit (gang)
Now I pull in that fast shit (skrtt)
Niggas love dwelling on that past shit (back home)
Had to cut some niggas off cause they move slow and they weren't on that cash shit (oh well)
Now I'm all about my bank (hell yeah)
Imma sail before I sink
Damn niggas trying to bring me down
They don't know a nigga they just know my name
Niggas be mad I'm 19 with these chains
Niggas be mad I really changed the game
All a nigga's diamonds real (real)
Nigga I'm just saying (jus saying)
You shouldn't talk about what you cannot afford
Nigga I'm just saying (Lil Boat!)

Kiss the money like it mean something
For motivation
Show the niggas they ain't seen none
For motivation
Plotting on another cash route
Work the only thing I ask about
Re-up then I spaz out
For motivation
Kiss the money like it mean something
For motivation
Show the niggas they ain't seen none
For motivation
Plotting on another cash route
Work the only thing I ask about
Re-up then I spaz out
For motivation

I'm the realest you know
So now they bring it I
8 Spades
Dom Perignon
Whatever the name I
Money trees I grow
Angel tatted on my arm
Working hard made me love
Blame it on a nigga's charm
Streets taught me about
The only time I wait for another man is when I'm waiting on the plug
Made a living off drugs
All my niggas thugs
Taking everything how it comes
Putting on for the slums
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