Lil Yachty - Stoney (Audio)

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Lil Yachty - Stoney (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 12, 2018. Published the day it was watched 753 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Yachty


Nuthin' 2 Prove

Lyrics Title





Hip-Hop Rap


Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

She get so high, she get stoned
She get lit, then she get stoney
I'll take your eyes and see the moon
Take your body to the ocean
I could tell you want more
I'll supply you with the potent
She get so high, she get stoned
She get lifted, she get stoney
I could tell you want more
I could tell you want more
I could tell you wanna go
Baby, tell me where we goin'

Ayy, ayy
Dealin' with this fame (Fame)
Dealin' for this love before my name got so big
Shootin' in the paint (Swish)
Baby girl be sippin' on the drank (Drank, drank)
She get high, she get stoney
She never leave from my side
She never leave a nigga lonely
I know shawty that gon' ride
I knew she my ride or die
Point your hands to the sky
'Cause, baby girl, that's where we goin'

She get so high, she get stoned (She get stoned)
She get lifted, she get stoney
I'll take your eyes and see the moon
Take your body to the ocean
I could tell you want more
I'll supply you with the potent
She get so high, she get stoned
She get lifted, she get stoney
I could tell you want more
I could tell you want more
I could tell you wanna go
Baby, tell me where we goin'

I could take away from the pain (Take away)
Get you cars and houses up in yo' name (In yo' name)
Keep that shit a hunnid, all I'm sayin' (All I'm sayin')
You be geekin' out this world, don't you babe? (Don't you babe?)
She be turnt out, ex-nigga burnt out
With the Lambo, go on 'head and burn out
Boy, that's my bitch, what is your concern 'bout?
She look straight, man I got lil baby turned out
Super Prada, the way that you turned out
Diamond in the rough that I picked out (Gang, gang)

She get so high, she get stoned (She get stoned)
She get lifted, she get stoney
I'll take your eyes and see the moon
Take your body to the ocean
I could tell you want more
I'll supply you with the potent
She get so high, she get stoned
She get lifted, she get stoney
I could tell you want more
I could tell you want more
I could tell you wanna go
Baby, tell me where we goin'
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