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Music Detail

KYLE - ShipTrip | A COLORS SHOW was added to the Free2Music database on November 27, 2018. Published the day it was watched 683 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Light of Mine

Lyrics Title





Hip-Hop Rap


Hey Kyle, oh yeah, it's me dude
I wanted to know if me and my pride could squeeze through
See, I don't socialize much but I need to
Can't you see that my mood ring is see through?
I don't really get as much love as I need to
I don't really give enough hugs as I need to, damn
Or give enough fucks as I need to, damn
Sounds a little rough, get the EQ, fam
Wish every bad decision came with a preview, fam
So I don't do shit that I don't need to, fam
I got a little brother I gotta feed too, fam
I'm either doin' this or with my chick, yep

I've got this ship, let's take this trip
Head to Japan, we've never been
I've seen you float, I know you'll swim
Let's play this game, we know who wins
The ones who are truly in love
The ones who are truly in love
Truly (Love, love, love, love, love)

And shit's gettin' bad now
All my tendencies are gettin' just like my dad now
Sittin' on the bench and now I'm finally up to bat now
Gotta get a hit or sit back down, back down
Momma moved to Vegas, I just hope she comes back now
Only way I'll see my cousin Dame is through the glass
Try to tell that nigga jokes, he ain't even laugh
Damn, I guess I'm not funny like that
I've been under pressure, I can finally see the cracks
When I fall apart, I know she right there with the tape
Save me
A lot of my loved ones saved me
If you know a place, babe take me
Take me, take me, take me

On this ship, let's take this trip
Head to Japan, we've never been
I've seen you float, I know you'll swim
Let's play this game, we know who wins
The ones who are truly in love
The ones who are truly in love
Truly (Love, love, love, love, love)
I've got this ship, let's take this trip
Into Japan, we've never been

That was beautiful dawg, it really was
But honestly, you gotta stop being so hard on yourself!
It's okay to not be okay
It don't matter if you're SuperDuperKyle, or a stripper from Atlanta
Everybody got problems bro, everybody
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