KYLE - iMissMe feat. Khalid (Audio)

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KYLE - iMissMe feat. Khalid (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 07, 2019. Published the day it was watched 634 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Light of Mine

Lyrics Title

iMissMe (feat. Khalid)




Hip-Hop Rap


Let's just split the cost
And say it's both our fault
I tried to find my point
And somewhere I got lost
Looking for myself, I found someone I'm not
Or someone I once was, someone I forgot (haha)
Yeah, but everybody needs somebody sometime
And a little me time in the meantime
I'm just tryna be free in my free time (free in my free time)
Haha, yeah, yeah
I really hope you can see where I come from (come from)
And maybe you can come through when it come time (come time)
Don't you worry 'bout a thing, it's all alright

Yeah, I been diving, tryna find you
I'm done hiding from the truth, yeah
Yeah, diving to who's inside me
Someone I'm zoned for, trust me I miss you too

But I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me, girl (oh, oh)
I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me, girl

Though we still got love, what's love without trust?
I've been by your side, but I guess I gave you too much (way too much)
Friends say I've been low, hate that they playing you up
I gotta move on, I know what you on
We been on a different wave, so I gotta give you your space
Lately I been reading other signs, and we been on a different page
Before we say goodbye, know that I tried for you
Oh, I tried for you

I've been tryna find him
I'm done hiding from the truth
Lovin' still who's inside me
Someone I long for, trust me I miss you too

But I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me, girl (Oh, oh, need a little bit more me, need a little bit more)
I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me, girl

I miss me
I miss me
I miss me
I miss me
I miss me
I miss me

But I miss me (Oh, I been missin' me)
I miss me (Oh, oh)
I miss me, girl (I miss me, I miss me)
I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me (ye-ye-ye-yeah)
I miss me, girl (Oh, oh, oh)
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