KYLE - Raining Love [Prod. Bedrock]

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KYLE - Raining Love [Prod. Bedrock] was added to the Free2Music database on November 19, 2018. Published the day it was watched 910 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Beautiful Loser

Lyrics Title

Raining Love




Hip-Hop Rap


I'm not gonna spit game, send me a pic babe
Does anyone smell that? Damn you're the shit babe
Whatever you want girl, send me a list babe
Your voice is music, and it's a hit babe
I'm only here to give you everything you ever wanted
If you want it baby here's your chance
And I'm only 19 but believe I can give it to you better than he can

It's raining love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
It's raining love, love, love
Love, love, love, love

See nights like this I wish that the rain would fall
And I make these nights for all, for all
For all the heartbreakers and chasers played around with your heart now
And I'mma make these niggas find out
And I'mma brighten up your dark now
'Cause late at night I dream of you oh so
Bad I lose sleep I need you I know so
If it’s all the same your boyfriend is so- so
Why does he complain with a girl that’s so oh whoa!

And I know you out there looking for love and that’s alright
I hear you telling all of your friends I’m not your type
But let’s be honest girl there’s no point to lie
'Cause it’s raining love and we gon' turn it up for one night

Nights like this I wish that the rain would fall
We could be the storm with one kiss is all

It's raining love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
It's raining love, love, love
Love, love, love, love

One time for the girls in the sweaters
Who do everything better than our exes, right
Two times for the girls with the curls
And an ass like they got down in Texas, 'ight
Had me like "damn," when I seen your face
Made me forget what I had to say
We might as well get a room for a week
'Cause damn girl you done got ass for days
And I don't even drink, I bought the liquor for you
And I don't even fight, I'll hit that nigga for you
Like for really, I'm not the nigga to lie
Like a polygraph, all I know is the truth
And the truth is all that college is useless
'Cause your brain's amazing, but that ass stupid
Me and you could do things, I don't usually do this
I'mma take you higher than my condo roof is

And I know you out there looking for love and that’s alright
I hear you telling all of your friends I’m not your type
But let’s be honest girl there’s no point to lie
'Cause it’s raining love and we gon' turn it up for one night

Nights like this I wish that the rain would fall
We could be the storm with one kiss is all

It's raining love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
It's raining love, love, love
Love, love, love, love
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