Shy Glizzy - Love Me (ft. Ralo) (Audio)

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Shy Glizzy - Love Me (ft. Ralo) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 07, 2019. Published the day it was watched 618 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Shy Glizzy

Lyrics Title

Love Me






Let’s get it
I just want you to love me
You know they ain’t gotta love you nigga
You know I love you

GG, that’s my kin
Yeah forever we thuggin’
Go and ask my bitch
I bet she don't want for nothing
We load up with them sticks
When we go out in public
How the fuck could you hate me
When I came up from nothing?
I just want you to love me
Just want you to love me
I just want you to love me
Just want you to love me
I just want you to love me
Just want you to love me
This shit can get ugly
I just want you to love me

See I’m a big dog, you lil niggas is puppies
You better get to know me before you try to trust me
Just cause he shake your hand that doesn’t mean he your buddy
Young man respect man or else it gotta get bloody
I been rocking my jewelry, been totin’ my tooly
Cause I heard some pussy niggas talkin’ ‘bout they gon’ shoot me
They call me Jefe, no lil nigga
Go check my resume, them motherfuckers salute me
Remember when I had faith and nobody didn’t
Boy that’s ok, now they can be my assistants
I’m on blue hill avenue, I’m feeling like Tristan
I got money, got bitches and I got ammunition

GG, that’s my kin
Yeah forever we thuggin’
Go and ask my bitch
I bet she don't want for nothing
We load up with them sticks
When we go out in public
How the fuck could you hate me
When I came up from nothing?
I just want you to love me
Just want you to love me
I just want you to love me
Just want you to love me
I just want you to love me
Just want you to love me
This shit can get ugly
I just want you to love me

They gon’ L-O-V me from Atlanta to DC
FamGoon, GG, told my niggas we all eat
They try to take another chain then we gon’ take a nigga’s life
We in the club every night and I dare a nigga to strike
I get that cash, I can’t get enough
I just want all of my niggas up
If he fall I’ma pick him up
I give him my all but ain’t givin’ up
They hit the when they hear from us
Ain’t none of these niggas the shit for us
I thank god for that prison bus
This for the niggas that dissing us
I gave my heart to my bitch, she got more heart than these niggas
Just because them niggas wishin’
Don’t really mean they be witcha
I don’t have nothing to give
If you leave I won’t miss ya
Tell them they out of the picture
Ain’t none of them niggas official

GG, that’s my kin
Yeah forever we thuggin’
Go and ask my bitch
I bet she don't want for nothing
We load up with them sticks
When we go out in public
How the fuck could you hate me
When I came up from nothing?
I just want you to love me
Just want you to love me
I just want you to love me
Just want you to love me
I just want you to love me
Just want you to love me
This shit can get ugly
I just want you to love me
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