Shy Glizzy - Give It Up (feat. 3 Glizzy) (Audio)

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Shy Glizzy - Give It Up (feat. 3 Glizzy) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 04, 2019. Published the day it was watched 724 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Shy Glizzy


The World Is Yours

Lyrics Title

Give It Up (feat. 3 Glizzy)






I used to run up on them niggas, make ‘em give it up, yeah

I heard you chasin’ that lil slut, you need to give it up
Soon she get a lil somethin’ she gon’ give it up
Boy watch them niggas who around ya, they gon’ give you up
So keep that jealous shit from ‘round me, go and get the fuck
You never thought I’d get this far, come on and give it up
I used to run up on them niggas, make ‘em give it up
I made a promise to my mama, we gon’ live it up
So if a nigga run up on me gotta hit ‘em up

Why these niggas playin’ like they ain’t heard how I ride
Heard some pussy niggas talking, wasn’t never outside
Bitch I talk that plug talk and I got mob ties
I put fifty on his head and his whole fucking mob die
Fucked up fast, I hope it don’t come back to haunt me
Remember back then, the little hoes they didn’t want me
Well now I’m getting money and I rock that damn Givenchy
Them bands got me limping, I’m so motherfucking clumsy
14 years old, I went to juvie for an O
16 years old, I stuck my dick in my PO
18 years old, I was whipping up the dope
By 20 years old I was getting 20 for a show

I heard you chasin’ that lil slut, you need to give it up
Soon she get a lil somethin’ she gon’ give it up
Boy watch them niggas who around ya, they gon’ give you up
So keep that jealous shit from ‘round me, go and get the fuck
You never thought I’d get this far, come on and give it up
I used to run up on them niggas, make ‘em give it up
I made a promise to my mama, we gon’ live it up
So if a nigga run up on me gotta hit ‘em up

Get your bitch ass on the ground, shut the fuck up
Came too far, before I go back everybody gettin’ stuck up
That bitch got you fooled, I could never fall for no slut
These niggas nothing like us, I live by code of conduct
I done seen it all, it’s kind of hard for me to trust
She seen the way I ball, it wasn’t hard for me to fuck
Ever since I was at juvie I been cutting up
Pull up on a nigga’s ass, hop out and hit him up
Do my dirt by myself cause these niggas might give me up
Lil nigga, you talk too much, you ain’t no G, you a bluff
This shit come from the heart, I couldn’t make none this up
Any nigga play with GG, I’ma come and spray your shit up

I heard you chasin’ that lil slut, you need to give it up
Soon she get a lil somethin’ she gon’ give it up
Boy watch them niggas who around ya, they gon’ give you up
So keep that jealous shit from ‘round me, go and get the fuck
You never thought I’d get this far, come on and give it up
I used to run up on them niggas, make ‘em give it up
I made a promise to my mama, we gon’ live it up
So if a nigga run up on me gotta hit ‘em up
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