Zeds Dead & Charlotte OC - Symphony

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Zeds Dead & Charlotte OC - Symphony was added to the Free2Music database on November 16, 2018. Published the day it was watched 716 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Zeds Dead & Charlotte OC


Northern Lights

Lyrics Title





Electronic Dance


Life goes free, wanna burn an old tree to lighten
For you to scream it oh
Calm me down

I've been spending all my nights with the demons lately
They got me held in your name Calling out

I'm playing it slow, I'll play it sweet
I'm pulling you close under my feet
Ooh now your heart is my symphony
Now your heart is my symphony
I'm pulling it high to kick it down
How does it feel oh
How does it feel oh
Now your heart is my symphony
Now your heart is my symphony

How does it feel oh
I'm playing it slow, I'm playing it slow
I'm pulling you close
Pulling you close ooh

My symphony

I'm turning you down
I'm playing too loud
And now it's my turn
I'm playing it slow

I'm playing it slow
I'm playing it slow
I'm pulling you close
Pulling you close oh
Now your heart is my symphony

I got you standing on an ice cold bath in brighton
And need to take it home, saw you work
Through the holes of your heart I'm not forgetting
And through the holes of your heart seek it not

I'm playing it slow, I'll play it sweet
I'm pulling you close under my feet ooh
Now your heart is my symphony
Now your heart is my symphony

I'm pulling it high to kick it dow
How does it feel oh
How does it feel oh
Now your heart is my symphony
Now your heart is my symphony
How does it feel oh
Now your heart is my symphony
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