Andreea Banica - Love In Brasil

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Music Detail

Andreea Banica - Love In Brasil was added to the Free2Music database on November 20, 2018. Published the day it was watched 882 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Andreea Bănică

Lyrics Title

Love in Brasil




Electronic Dance Pop


I'm dreaming of a life
with no regrets.
I'm dreaming of the

sun that never sets.
That burns my heart and
takes my feels apart.
I'm dreaming of brasil.

And than tomorrow found
me miles away.
With still a million differents
things to say.
A smile can be the sun
A kiss never light
when I'm thinking of.

Brasil ade, hmmm Brasil ade
Hmmm Brasil adeladeladelade
Hmmm Brasil ade
I could live like this forever

My mind is always dancing when I`m here
The rhythm of a passion we can hear
The bossa nova beat
That makes me move my feet
We are dancing in Brasil

And when the twilight beam the skyes above
It makes me hear the thrills of our love
I`m feeling high, and only you know why
Together in Brasil

Brasil ade, hmmm Brasil ade
Hmmm Brasil adeladeladelade
Hmmm Brasil ade
I could live like this forever

I could live like this forever

Brasil ade, hmmm Brasil ade
Hmmm Brasil adeladeladelade
Hmmm Brasil ade
I could live like this forever
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