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Shy Glizzy - We Them Dudes (feat. YFN Lucci) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 18, 2019. Published the day it was watched 752 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Shy Glizzy

Lyrics Title

We Them Dudes






We like fuckin bitches, we like fuckin Coopes
These niggas boring, they need to move
Man, go head and let the bitches choose
You know they heard we them fuckin dudes
We them dudes, we dem dudes
You know they heard we them fuckin dudes

Bitch, it's Big Glizzy, I came in with the troops
You can't be round me, if you ain't goin fuckin shoot
Anywhere you go, you know we there too
Broke ass niggas, get they ass some glew
I just left Sax, spent like 10 racks
Movin so much weight, I got a 6 pack
Yo bitch on my line, but I don't hit that
Glizzy shoot you niggas, fuck yo 6 block
Ain't never been unable to choose, motherfucker, I'm even poppin in Detroit
The chopper sittin right here, and it's loaded
We them dudes, we dem fuckin boys

We like fuckin bitches, we like fuckin Coopes
These niggas boring, they need to move
Man, go head and let the bitches choose
You know they heard we them fuckin dudes
We them dudes, we dem dudes
You know they heard we them fuckin dudes

I'm that dude, all these jewels make her fucking drool
If you down, then we through, man, never do
We got pounds, we got jewels
We put 3 clips in them tools, and make them bitches move
Get a car, snatch it off the lot, that's a drop
I got fish skale jumpin out the pot, that's a lot
We don't buy, we sell
Call that cliantell, buy my bitch Shanell
All my niggas real, and if we get caut, nigga, we never tell
Coad on the streets, nigga
We cold, so we gotta keep heat, nigga

We like fuckin bitches, we like fuckin Coopes
These niggas boring, they need to move
Man, go head and let the bitches choose
You know they heard we them fuckin dudes
We them dudes, we dem dudes
You know they heard we them fuckin dudes
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