Shy Glizzy - Keep It Going

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Shy Glizzy - Keep It Going was added to the Free2Music database on November 05, 2018. Published the day it was watched 656 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Shy Glizzy


Quiet Storm

Lyrics Title

Keep It Goin




Hip-Hop Rap


Young Jefe holmes

This shit can get stressful, you ain't where you wanna be
Gotta take them risks if you ain't got no way to eat
And don't wait on nobody 'cause tomorrow ain't guaranteed
You gotta keep it goin', keep it goin' just like a G
I was chasing after you and now you chasing after me
Who would ever thought that I would be the one you need?
Girl they call me Jefe, spell it J-E-F-E
You gotta keep it goin', keep it goin' just like a G

Thinkin' 'bout all the shit I did and all the fuck niggas I had to meet
All the bitches I hit and when I see 'em now we don't speak
I'm thinkin' about my kid, how rich and handsome he gonna be
I'm thinkin' about my crib, how big is my mansion gonna be?
Tryna knock me off my throne, I'm here to tell you know you won't
Tell they ass get on, they was hatin' all along
Rob niggas for their phones, stole clothes and broke in homes
Real trapper talkin' dimes to a whole jawn
She told me I stay fly, baby I don't even try
I heard niggas was hatin', they don't even know why
You say you I ain't getting money, you's a motherfuckin' lie
Middle fingers to the sky, all these fuck niggas gon' die

This shit can get stressful, you ain't where you wanna be
Gotta take them risks if you ain't got no way to eat
And don't wait on nobody 'cause tomorrow ain't guaranteed
You gotta keep it goin', keep it goin' just like a G
I was chasing after you and now you chasing after me
Who would ever thought that I would be the one you need?
Girl they call me Jefe, spell it J-E-F-E
You gotta keep it goin', keep it goin' just like a G

You gotta keep it goin', keep it goin' just like a G
I got that damn Patek and I been feelin' just like Meech
If you ain't la familia, then I'm sorry I don't speak
I keep them Glizzys with me, they'll kill you for a tweet
Bad bitch fat like Nicki, damn I'm feeling just like Meek
Heard you got a glizzy, got you feeling just like me
KelTec chopper, got one right here on the seat
You wanna fuck my lil ho, your ho wanna fuck with me
Met this one chick on the road, yeah and she ain't no joke
And she got her own, she say she ain't no ho
Switch the coppers, you better not be a no-show
Ain't have no friends when I was broke so don't want none when I blow

This shit can get stressful, you ain't where you wanna be
Gotta take them risks if you ain't got no way to eat
And don't wait on nobody 'cause tomorrow ain't guaranteed
You gotta keep it goin', keep it goin' just like a G
I was chasing after you and now you chasing after me
Who would ever thought that I would be the one you need?
Girl they call me Jefe, spell it J-E-F-E
You gotta keep it goin', keep it goin' just like a G

Young Jefe holmes
Keep going
GG, for life
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