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Shy Glizzy - Take It Off (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 10, 2019. Published the day it was watched 762 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Shy Glizzy


The World Is Yours

Lyrics Title

Take It Off






Young Jefe Holmes

You might had her yesterday but today she want a boss
She say Jefe I can't fuck with broke niggas I swear to God
She don't want no fuck nigga
She want a nigga with some heart
I say girl fuck them niggas
You straight, you fuckin' with the mob, ay!
Girl, I want it all, girl, girl I want it all
Girl, take it off, girl, girl take it off
I say girl we gon' ball, girl, girl, we gon' ball
Girl, take it off, girl, girl take it off

She wanna fuck with me because I'm super duper cool
She wanna fuck with me cause I'm a shooter, shooter, shooter
Young nigga comin' through looking like I hit a lick on the jeweler
Young nigga comin' through your old ass better hide your cougar
I could have bought a mansion but I went and bought a condo
My young boy keep that 9 on him he bang that bitch like Rondo, bang bang
And baby when you with me you get anythin' that you want too
Come on and pass my Backwood I don't smoke no fucking fonto
I came to make it rain? Little bitch you see my motto
Come on lets take shots yeah I can not have some fucked up
I told her bring her friend too I like my hoes in combos
Do it all night 'til the morning like Alonzo

You might had her yesterday but today she want a boss
She say Jefe I can't fuck with broke niggas I swear to God
She don't want no fuck nigga
She want a nigga with some heart
I say girl fuck them niggas
You straight, you fuckin' with the mob, ay!
Girl, I want it all, girl, girl I want it all
Girl, take it off, girl, girl take it off
I say girl we gon' ball, girl, girl, we gon' ball
Girl, take it off, girl, girl take it off

Yeah she real propoer she a real show stopper
You better have that bag cause she a motherfuckin' shopper
I make her feel safe and she like riding with that chopper
She rock a silk dress that bitch a motherfuckin' shocker
She slim all in her waist, she's a 10 all in her face
Told my bitch, she better be loyal
Bitch dont want me catch a case
That's my ace, we pop ace, we go all way, you go on dates
No they don't know what it take, so fuck all that shit they say(Fuck 'em)
Bitch I'm fluent, gangster rapper not a poet
Realest nigga, and you know it, ain't tryna dance get off the floor
I'm a ninja with my squad if you love me won't you show it
I get money when I'm bored, took my shot bitch I scored

You might had her yesterday but today she want a boss
She say Jefe I can't fuck with broke niggas I swear to God
She don't want no fuck nigga
She want a nigga with some heart
I say girl fuck them niggas
You straight, you fuckin' with the mob, ay!
Girl, I want it all, girl, girl I want it all
Girl, take it off, girl, girl take it off
I say girl we gon' ball, girl, girl, we gon ball
Girl, take it off, girl, girl take it off
Young Jefe homes
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