Shy Glizzy - GG Worldwide

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Shy Glizzy - GG Worldwide was added to the Free2Music database on December 05, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,051 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Shy Glizzy


Quiet Storm

Lyrics Title

GG Worldwide




Hip-Hop Rap


Young Jefe holmes

30 30
Gang gang

I swerve with the chopper
Draco right here on my passenger
Tell me who really want static
I make these niggas do magic
I'm with a lil bitch, she the baddest
I flew her out from Manassas
We naked in Calabasas
I turned her into a addict
I put her on two letter zoo
She say that she never had it
Her nigga start acting a fool
I promise it's gon' be a disaster
When I fuck on her she ad-lib
She always wanted her ass big
You already know what that cash did
Girl throw it back for a savage
GG, we ain't got no fears
Shoot niggas down like some deer
Play with me, nigga I dare
Better bundle that bitch in Moncler
Taliban rockin', you scared
Sonny got pounds for a fair
Drizzy he shoot at your kids
I put that bag on your head
M-Kizzy hop out the van
Fuck niggas thought I was playin'
3 keep a Glock in his hand (3 Murda)
Dome comin' home to them bands, yeah
You know what I'm sayin'
We beat them pots and them pans
Rush hour like Jackie Chan
We seen the cops so we ran

We onto generation five, love every generation four
Fizzy came with wire, they know it's everywhere we go
I'm sick and tired of niggas, I can tell when they some hoes
'Cause every time we slide them niggas talkin' 'bout for more
'Cause every time we slide them niggas don't come by for more
Boy put away your product, maybe we can get some dough
In different area codes, I'm fuckin' hoes I barely know
Glizzy Gang worldwide, they know us everywhere we go

Look at me now, I'm binding
The X stay on me when I'm riding
Just got a fresh pair of 990's
She say they look good with my timepiece
Lil mama she think she a dime piece
She say them blue hundreds excite me
Can't get none of that over here
I beat the pussy like Ali
Pull up to the trap in a Rari
With a bald head bitch lookin' like Harley
Let's light up a fat one, Bob Marley
Don't invite them lames to the party
She feeling herself off the molly
Bitch you better not call me Marquis
I make the bitch call me papi
She take me to meet her mommy
Baby I'm a baller so it's very hard to please me
Bitch you see my necklace, yeah this shit wet like some Figi
Oh they call me Jefe, spell that J-E-F-Eazy
These niggas be talkin' reckless, they don't do shit when they see me

We onto generation five, love every generation four
Fizzy came with wire, they know it's everywhere we go
I'm sick and tired of niggas, I can tell when they some hoes
'Cause every time we slide them niggas talkin' 'bout for more
'Cause every time we slide them niggas don't come by for more
Boy put away your product, maybe we can get some dough
In different [?], I'm fuckin' hoes I barely know
Glizzy Gang worldwide, they know us everywhere we go

GG, for life, yo yo
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