Lil Peep - Awful Things (ft. Lil Tracy)

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Lil Peep - Awful Things (ft. Lil Tracy) was added to the Free2Music database on January 10, 2019. Published the day it was watched 950 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Peep


Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 1

Lyrics Title

Awful Things




Hip-Hop Rap


Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you do that
Helps me get through this without you

Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you do that
Helps me get through this without you
Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you move that on me
Love it when you do that on me

You like attention, I find it obvious
She makes it obvious for me
She feels the tension
It's just the two of us, it's just the two of us, tonight
Burn me down 'til I'm nothin' but memories
I get it, girl (I get it, girl)
I get it, girl
Burn me down 'til I'm nothin' but memories
I get it, girl (I get it, girl)
I'm not the one

Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you do that
Helps me get through this without you
Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you move that on me
Love it when you do that on me

Don't you turn your back on me
Let your teardrops fall on me
Speeding away, the city in the rear view
Heart racing whenever I'm near you
GothBoi jumpin' off stage
Carry me away, carry me away
Burn me down 'til there's nothing left
I will scream your name with my last breath
Take off your favorite dress
Lay your head on my chest
Diamonds, rubies and gems
You can have all of them

Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you do that
Helps me get through this without you
Bother me, tell me awful things
You know I love it when you move that on me
Love it when you do that on me
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