KYLE - Off of It (feat. Ty Dolla $ign)

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KYLE - Off of It (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) was added to the Free2Music database on January 20, 2019. Published the day it was watched 608 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Off of It (feat. Ty Dolla $ign)




Hip-Hop Rap


If you like to move, if you like to move
If you like to move
If you like to dance
Get up off, get up off your ass
If you like to move, if you like to move
If you like to move
If you like to dance
Get up off ah, get up off your ass (get off)
Ya, off of it (get off)
Erl, get off of it (get off)
Get up off of it (get off)
Ya, ya, get off it

Mh, yep, zoom zoom pshhh
To the moon, moon
Get some real estate and buy a crib
I think I see a baby coming soon (soon)
And if I ever have to be a dad (damn)
At least you know I got the cash' (facts)
And you know I got the moves
I teach that lil nigga how to dance (hm)
Just take a step, to your left
Yep, step inside
What we do next, take a guess
It's as good as mine
Girl you know, you know how to dance
Ya, so don't just sit there like you can't

If you like to move, if you like to move
If you like to move
If you like to dance
Get up off, get up off your ass
If you like to move, if you like to move
If you like to move
If you like to dance
Get up off ah, get up off your ass (get off)
Ya, off of it (get off)
Erl, get off of it (get off)
Get up off of it (get off)
Ya, ya, get off it

Don't be difficult we're just friends
You don't risk-take you just chance
I ain't off with bread in advance
You want someone that got bands
I told her baby we can break (break)
Handshakes and new friends
Cause there's the break (dance)
Holy, holy Jesus Christ
Turn it up the DJ nice
Get up off that litchi white
Higher, higher
Turn down the lights baby pass me the lighter
When we in private you give me that icky, that icky
That sticky girl please do not bite it
You were just crossing my mind and I like it

If you like to move, if you like to move
If you like to move
If you like to dance
Get up off, get up off your ass
If you like to move, if you like to move
If you like to move
If you like to dance
Get up off ah, get up off your ass (get off)
Ya, off of it (get off)
Erl, get off of it (get off)
Get up off of it (get off)
Ya, ya, get off it

Off of it, off, off of it
Get up off of it (get off)
Ya, off of it
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