Music Detail

KYLE - Zoom (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 31, 2018. Published the day it was watched 777 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Light of Mine

Lyrics Title





Hip-Hop Rap


And I zoom (yep, yep)
Yep, yep yep
Yep, yep yep

Yep, yep yep

And I zoom, right on past my problems
Henny in my hand, I ain't got no time to solve 'em
Listen, please approach your early twenties with some caution
GPS my way back to myself, I thought I lost it

Got a hunnid miles 'fore I crack another smile oh
I ain't in denial, I know this is just a trial though
Everything is fine, I know it's 'gon take some time though
Yeah yeah
Nigga I'll be good
Like I said I would (woo!)

I get by, yeah
With my baby by my side oh, yeah (yeah, yeah)
You and I (ooh)
Bumpin' cranes in the sky oh, my my (my my)

Pour up a drank and give me some more
Ain't in a rush, I'm livin' it slow
One day we all, we all, we all go
One day we all, we all, we all go
Pour up a drank and give me some more
Ain't in a rush, I'm livin' it slow
One day we all, we all, we all go
One day we all, we all, we all go

They ain' hittin' my phone, no bleep bleep
I'm up all night, no sleep sleep
But lose my stride, no way way
I'll be hitting behind the back shots like BP (swish)
Money shot, I mean, money money guy
See a lot of awesome places, but happiness, it did not
I don't get fooled by the fakes
I won't get killed by these cops
I know I'm gon' be myself, I know that's something that I've got
I know that I get a lot of hate from niggas I am not
I am so far from a flop
And yet so close to the top

And I zoom, right on past my problems
Henny in my hand, I ain't got no time to solve 'em
Listen, please approach your early twenties with some caution
GPS my way back to myself, I thought I lost it
And I zoom, right on past my problems
Henny in my hand, I ain't got no time to solve 'em
Listen, please approach your early twenties with some caution
GPS my way back to myself, I thought I lost it (whoo!)

I get by, yeah
With my baby by my side oh, yeah (yeah, yeah)
You and I (ooh)
Bumpin' cranes in the sky oh, my my (my my)
I get by, yeah
With my baby by my side oh, yeah (yeah, yeah)
You and I (ooh)
Bumpin' cranes in the sky oh, my my (my my)
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