NF - Just Being Me (Audio)

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Music Detail

NF - Just Being Me (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 24, 2019. Published the day it was watched 831 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information







Lyrics Title

Just Being Me




Hip-Hop Rap


Feels like I'm in the sky
Flying over clouds or somethin'
I don't smoke weed, but you could say I'm high on somethin'
It's like this music is my addiction, I call it my nicotine
What you're witnessing is an addicted fiend and it sickens me (AH)
Just a lame as how you picture me
Give me that microphone and I'm gonna rip it so viciously
Ain't you hearing the chemistry?
Ain't it ironic I brought up chemistry?
Cuz I was never good at math but I'm ill with the melody
Since I was a kid, I had a dream that I would make it
I spent thousands of hours writing music in that basement
Even though I'm broke, you know why I still chase it?
Cuz once you get a taste of it there is no replacement
Yo, I don't rap, so millions of people will like me
I rap, cuz there's millions of people just like me
If you think I'm out of my mind, I ain't gonna argue, I might be
But I'm not on the stage just for people to sightsee

I'd rather die than let this dream go to waste
You can tell that I ain't playin' by the look up on my face
The world wants to tell us who we are and who we ain't
But the person that I am is somethin' you can never change
Yea I'm just being me, yea
I'm just being me, yea
I'm just being me, yea
And this defines me
Look into my music and you'll find me

When I step into that studio, feels like I'm in my house
If you listen to my music than you know what I'm about
No I ain't never been the type to just sit around on the couch
I get lost in these beats till my body passes out
Let's rewind
What ever happened to music that meant something
Cuz nowadays I look around and music don't mean nothin'
And to be honest what's really making me sick to my stomach
Is everybody's runnin' around screaming they love it
A lotta people think they understand the music biz
I am not a genius but at least I know what music is
Put a CD on the shelf, and you thinkin' you'll be filthy rich
But you just become the definition of what filthy is
The music, me and her, we've been through a lot together
And I can tell somethin' ain't right if we are not together
And yo God gave me the story so we plot together
I get shot, whatever, this is who I am remember?

I'd rather die than let this dream go to waste
You can tell that I ain't playin' by the look up on my face
The world wants to tell us who we are and who we ain't
But the person that I am is somethin' you can never change
Yea I'm just being me (yea)
I'm just being me (yea)
I'm just being me (yea)
And this defines me
Look into my music and you'll find me

I'd rather die than let this dream go to waste
You can tell that I ain't playin' by the look up on my face
The world wants to tell us who we are and who we ain't
But the person that I am is somethin' you can never change
Yea I'm just being me (yea)
I'm just being me (yea)
I said that I'm just being me (yea)
I'm being me, I'm just being me

I'd rather die than let this dream go to waste
You can tell that I ain't playin' by the look up on my face
The world wants to tell us who we are and who we ain't
But the person that I am is somethin' you can never change
Yea I'm just being me (yea)
I'm just being me (yea)
I'm just being me (yea)
And this defines me
Look into my music and you'll find me
Yea I'm just being me
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