Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson - Scream

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Music Detail

Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson - Scream was added to the Free2Music database on November 03, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,095 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Michael Jackson


HIStory: Past, Present and Future, Book I

Lyrics Title







I'm tired of injustice, I'm tired of the schemes
The lies are disgusting, so what does it mean, damn it?
You're kicking me down, I got to get up
As jacked as it sounds, the whole system sucks, damn it!

Peek in the shadow, come into the light
You tell me I'm wrong, then you better prove your right!
You're selling out souls but I care about mine
I've got to get stronger, and I won't give up the fight!

With such confusion don't it make you want to scream? (Make you want to scream?)
Your bash abusing victimize within the scheme!

You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize!

Somebody please have mercy, cause I just can't take it!
Stop pressuring me, just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me, make me want to scream!
Stop pressuring me, just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me, make you just want to scream!

I'm tired of you telling, the story your way
You're causing confusion, you think it's okay, damn it!

You keep changing the rules, while I'm playing the game
I can't take it much longer, I think I might go insane!

With such confusion don't it make you want to scream? (Make you want to scream?)
Your bash abusing victimize within the scheme!

You find your pleasure scandalizing every lie!

Oh Father, please have mercy, cause I just can't take it!
Stop pressuring me, just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me, make me want to scream!
Stop pressuring me, just stop pressuring me
Stop fuckin' with me, make me want to scream!

Oh my God, can't believe what I saw as I turned the TV
This evening, I was disgusted by all the injustice, all the injustice! (All the injustice)
(A man has been brutally beaten to death by police
After being wrongly
Identified as a robbery suspect!
The man was an 18 year old black male!)

With such delusions don't it make you want to scream?
Your bash abusing victimize within the scheme!

You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize!

Oh brother please have mercy, cause I just can't take it!
Stop pressuring me, just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me, make me want to scream!
Stop pressuring me, just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me, make me want to scream!
Stop pressuring me, just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me, make me want to scream!
Stop pressuring me, just stop pressuring me
Stop pressuring me, make me want to scream!
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