Pitbull - Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor) ft. T-Pain

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Pitbull - Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor) ft. T-Pain was added to the Free2Music database on December 02, 2018. Published the day it was watched 750 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Planet Pit (Deluxe Version)

Lyrics Title

Hey Baby (Drop It to the Floor) [feat. T-Pain]




Electronic Pop Hip-Hop Latin


Mr. Worldwide
(El que no olle consejo, no llega a viejo)
So listen up
Let her go, lalala
If your girl wanna play, let her go
Said let her go, lalala
If your girl wanna play, let her go
Said let her go, lalala
If your girl wanna play, let her go
Said let her go, lalala
If your girl wanna play, let her go
Dale, Pain

Hey baby girl what you doing tonight?
I wanna see what you got in store (hey, hey baby)
You're giving it your all when you're dancing on me
I want to see if you can give me some more (hey, hey baby)
You can be my girl, I can be your man
And we can pump this jam however you want (hey, hey baby)
Pump it from the side, pump it upside down
Or we can pump it from the back and the front (hey, hey baby)

Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala

Ooh drop it to the floor, make me wanna say hey baby
(Get on whatever you want)
Yeah, you can shake some more, make me wanna say hey baby
(Get on whatever you like)
Ooh you got it, cause you make me wanna say hey baby
(You're the one I want)
Yeah don't stop it, cause you make me wanna say
(I want you tonight)

I'm a Dade County, self paid, self-made millionaire
I used to play around the world
Now I'm around the world getting paid
Girl problems, no problems
Don't hate the game cause that won't solve it
I want to get with you mami
Now let me see where the Lord split you

Hey baby girl what you doing tonight?
I wanna see what you got in store (hey, hey baby)
You're giving it your all when you're dancing on me
I want to see if you can give me some more (hey, hey baby)
You can be my girl, I can be your man
And we can pump this jam however you want (hey, hey baby)
Pump it from the side, pump it upside down
Or we can pump it from the back and the front (hey, hey baby)

Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala

Ooh drop it to the floor, make me wanna say hey baby
(Get on whatever you want)
Yeah, you can shake some more, make me wanna say hey baby
(Get on whatever you like)
Ooh you got it, cause you make me wanna say hey baby
(You're the one I want)
Yeah don't stop it, cause you make me wanna say
(I want you tonight)

Make money, make money
This chico right here gotta eat baby
Your scared money don't make money
That's how it goes in the street baby
But enough about the the nonsense
Baby girl take a shot, clear your conscience
Not a goon or a goblin, I'm a monster
Cause I hit all baddest woman in the world, gangsta
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala

Ooh drop it to the floor, make me wanna say hey baby
Yeah, you can shake some more, make me wanna say hey baby
Ooh you got it, cause you make me wanna say hey baby
Yeah don't stop it, cause you make me wanna say

Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala

Ooh drop it to the floor, make me wanna say hey baby
(Get on whatever you want)
Yeah, you can shake some more, make me wanna say hey baby
(Get on whatever you like)
Ooh you got it, cause you make me wanna say hey baby
(You're the one I want)
Yeah don't stop it
(I want you tonight)
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