Pitbull - International Love (feat. Chris Brown) (Audio)

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Pitbull - International Love (feat. Chris Brown) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 26, 2019. Published the day it was watched 2,498 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Planet Pit

Lyrics Title

International Love




Electronic Pop Hip-Hop Latin Reggae Rock


We're from mister 305, dade county
From mister worldwide, all around the world (hey, hey)
We're international, so international

International, so international

You can't catch me boy
I'm overseas at about a 100g's for sho'
Don't test me boy
Cuz I rap with the best for sho'
305 til the death of me
Cremate my body let the ocean have what's left of me
But for now forget about that
Blow the whistle baby you the referee

You put it down like New York City
I never sleep
Wild like Los Angeles
My fantasy
Hotter than Miami
I feel the heat
Ohh Miss International Love
Ohh Miss International Love

I don't play football but I've touched down everywhere
(everywhere) everywhere
I don't play baseball but I've hit a home run everywhere, everywhere
I've been to countries and cities I can't pronounce
And the places on the globe I didn't know existed
In Romania she pulled me to the centre

She said Pit you can have me and my sister
In Lebanon yeah the women are bomb
And in Greece you've guessed it the women are sweet
Spinned all around the world but I ain't gon' lie
There's nothing like Miami's heat

You put it down like New York City
I never sleep
Wild like Los Angeles
My fantasy
Hotter than Miami
I feel the heat
Ohh Miss International Love
Ohh Miss International Love

Down in DR they looking for visa's
I ain't talking credit cards if you know what I mean
En Cuba la cosa 'ta dura
All the women get down if you know what I mean
En Colombia the women got everything done
With some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen

In Brazil they freaky with big ol' booties
And they thongs blue, yellow and green
In LA tengo all las Mexicanas
In New York tengo all las Boricua
Besitos para todas las mujeres en Venezuela
Muah, y en Miami tengo cualquiera

You put it down like New York City
I never sleep
Wild like Los Angeles
My fantasy
Hotter than Miami
I feel the heat
Ohh Miss International Love
Ohh Miss International Love

There's not a place
That your love don't affect me baby
So don't ever change
I cross the globe when I'm with you baby

You put it down like New York City
I never sleep
Wild like Los Angeles
My fantasy
Hotter than Miami
I feel the heat
Ohh Miss international love
Ohh Miss international love

You put it down like New York City
I never sleep
Wild like Los Angeles
My fantasy
Hotter than Miami
I feel the heat
Ohh Miss International Love
Ohh Miss International Love
Ooo-oo-ohhh (we're international, so international)
Ooo-oo-ohhh (international, so international)
Ooo-oo-ohhh (we're international, so international)
Whoa-whoa- oh whoa-whoa--oh international love
Whoa-whoa- oh whoa-whoa--oh international love
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