Music Detail

Pitbull - Pause (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 31, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,082 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Planet Pit (Deluxe Version)

Lyrics Title







Mr. Worldwide
Mami, no you can't come back
Mami, no you can't come back

'Cause you look so right
'Cause you look so right
'Cause you look so right
'Cause you look so right

Now don't stop, drop it, pause
Now don't stop, drop it, pause

Oh, look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like oh
Look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like

Look, I got what you need to get you hooked
I steal all your hearts I'm a crook
On Friday night, I'm sorry, I'm booked
Brooke, Maria y la amiga de ella
Tan rica y en la cama no juegan
Explotan y dicen, pause

Now don't stop, drop it, pause
Now don't stop, drop it, pause

Oh, look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like oh
Look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like

Hey, mamita would you like to play?
We love to see, would you stay?
And if you say okay, we will play night and day
I'm such a dirty dawg
My teeth will unsnap your bra
But for now baby just pause

Now don't stop, drop it, pause
Now don't stop, drop it, pause

Oh, look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like oh
Look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like

Mami over there sometime
Mami over there sometime
She got what I like, what I like
Mami over there sometime
Mami over there sometime
She got what I like, what I like
Mami over there sometime
Mami over there sometime
She got what I like, pause

Now don't stop, drop it, pause
Now don't stop, drop it, pause

Oh, look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like oh
Look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like oh
Look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like oh
Look at that girl, she's like ah
Look at that girl, she's like
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