Music Detail

Britney Spears - I'm A Slave 4 U was added to the Free2Music database on October 24, 2018. Published the day it was watched 880 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Britney Spears



Lyrics Title

I'm a Slave 4 U




Pop R&B


I know I may be young, but I've got feelings too.
And I need to do what I feel like doing.
So let me go and just listen.

All you people look at me like I'm a little girl.
Well did you ever think it be okay for me to step into this world.

Always saying little girl don't step into the club.
Well I'm just tryin' to find out why cause dancing's what I love.

Get it get it, get it get it (WHOOOA)
Get it get it, get it getit (WHOOOOOA) (Do you like it)
Get it get it, get it get it (OOOHHHH) (This feels good)
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