ZahSosaa - Slime

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ZahSosaa - Slime was added to the Free2Music database on November 15, 2018. Published the day it was watched 772 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Hip-Hop Rap


No, you not my slime!
Fuck nigga, I'm on my grind, and no I can't trust you
Fuck nigga, I'm on my grind, and no I can't trust you (slime!)
No you not my slime, no you not my cuh
(fuck nigga, I'm on my grind, and no I can't trust you)
No, you not my slime (slime!), no you not my cuh (cuh!)
You changed who you was (was!), no you can't be trust
(trust!) No, you not my slime (slatt!), no you not my cuh (cuh!)
You changed who you was (was!), no you can't be trust
And no, you ain't show me no love
Where was you when it was tough?
Don't look at me like I was bros
I thought we was suppose to be blood
I see that they plottin' and talking
Don't run up on me, I got slugs
I'll put you 6 feet in the mud
Ya auntie get smoked like some drugs
I been that nigga since 10
Fuck no, you can't be my friend
I'm only friends with the bands
These sneakers, they cost me ya rent
You niggas know I'm gon' win
Imma keep setting these trends
And travel the world with my friends
And we gonna ball till the end
No, you not my slime (slime!), no you not my cuh (cuh!)
You changed who you was (was!), no you can't be trust
(trust!) No, you not my slime (slatt!), no you not my cuh (cuh!)
You changed who you was (was!), no you can't be trust
(Verse 2):
I got the game in my palms
, like my rhymes
I cannot sit and waste time
Cuz I'm tryna take care of my mom
I told my bro, "No more hustle, cuz
I'm gonna make sure we all gon be fine."
We had to grow up, the struggle, them bitches they choosin'
They hittin' our line
You ain't gettin' money, boy you lyin'
This chain cost me more then a dime
I been drippin' on em, on the calm

I was in the dark, in the blind
No fuck nigga, don't hit my line
Was in the field, shootin' them 9's
Now on the hills, sippin' on wine
No, you not my slime (slime!), no you not my cuh (cuh!)
You changed who you was (was!), no you can't be trust
(trust!) No, you not my slime (slatt!), no you not my cuh (cuh!)
You changed who you was (was!), no you can't be trust
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