French Montana - Unforgettable (feat. Swae Lee, Mariah Carey) (Mariah Carey Remix) (Audio)

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French Montana - Unforgettable (feat. Swae Lee, Mariah Carey) (Mariah Carey Remix) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 23, 2019. Published the day it was watched 963 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




French Montana

Lyrics Title





Hip-Hop Rap


It's not good enough for me
Since I've been with you, ooh
It's not gonna work for you

Nobody can equal me (I know)
I'm gonna sip on this drink, when I'm fucked up
I should know how to pick up
I'm gonna catch the rhythm while she push up against me
Ooh, is she tipsy?
I had enough convo for 24
I peep'd you from across the room
Pretty little body, dancing like GoGo, hey

And you are unforgettable
I need to get you alone, ooh
Why not?
A fucking good time, never hurt nobody
I got a little drink but it's not Bacardi
If you loved the girl then I'm so, so sorry
I gotta give it to her like we in a marriage
Oh, like we in a hurry
No, no, I won't tell nobody
You're on your level too
Tryna do what lovers do

Feelin' like I'm fresh out, Boosie
If they want the drama, got the Uzi
Ship the whole crew to the cruise ship
Doin' shit you don't even see in movies
Ride with me
Ride with me, boss
I got a hard head but her ass soft
She want the last name with the ring on it
'Cause I pulled out a million cash, told her plank on it

And you are unforgettable
I need to get you alone
Now you wanna chose
Just pop the bubbly in the 'cuzi

It's not good enough for me
Since I've been with you, ooh
I'm gonna sip on this drink
When I'm fucked up
I should know how to pick up
I'm gonna catch the rhythm while she push up against me
Ooh, is she tipsy?
I had enough convo for 24
I peep'd you from across the room
Pretty little body, dancing like GoGo, hey

And you are unforgettable
I need to get you alone, ooh
Why not?
A fucking good time, never hurt nobody
I got a little drink but it's not Bacardi
If you loved the girl then I'm so, so sorry
I got to give it to her like we in a marriage
Oh, like we in a hurry
No, no, I won't tell nobody
You're on your level too
Tryna do what lovers do

You ain't enough for me
Too much for you
Baby go and grab some bad bitches, bring 'em home
Know the jet's on me
I'ma curve my best for you
You know, so pick up that dress for me
Leave the rest home
Too much convo 24 hours
When you stand next to 24 karats
She left her man at home
She don't love him no more
I want your mind and your body
Don't mind nobody
So you don't never hurt nobody
Baby girl work your body
Work your body

And you are unforgettable
I need to get you alone
Now you wanna chose
Just pop the bubbly in the 'cuzi
Why not?

Oh, like we in a hurry
No, no, I won't tell nobody
You're on your level too
Tryna do what lovers do
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